I got a lot of great feedback from the new lacemaking threads board on the LaceNews Pinterest site yesterday http://www.pinterest.com/LaceNews/lacemaking-thread/.
And many people said they were interested in pins and needles. So that is starting up too http://www.pinterest.com/LaceNews/lacemaking-pins-and-needles/. This one is more difficult. It's fairly easy to track down thread manufacturers on the web, and also needle makers. But pins are a problem, many common brands are job shopped in the far east. But I'll keep looking. So these two boards are basically collections of equipment suppliers. I think I will expand on this, and open more equipment boards, first one for bobbins. Most of the bobbin makers are now listed under the boards for "Supplies and Books". But I think these should be reserved more for more retail shops offering a variety of items. If a shop also does manufacturing (for example Handy Hands, which is a general interest tatting shop but also manufacturers Lizbeth thread), then they can also be listed under the appropriate equipment board. The site is slowly evolving, I'm fast approaching 1000 pins for lace resources. The only real problem is the lack of the ability to do sub-boards on Pinterest - a feature much requested by users, but not available yet. Laurie Waters http://lacenews.net lacen...@gmail.com - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacemaker/sets/