I demo at city celebrations - 4th of July or founder's days.  I find if you
want to impress/dazzle older people they go for the frilly yardage, but if
you want to hook the kids/teens things like the snake, or a bunny, or a
dinosaur are the best.  And more often than not it's the kids that really
want to learn.  I also have a book full of the the major types of lace that
people can look through and ask about.

The year I did a tape lace bunny I had kids flocked around me and even had
several come back to see how far I'd gotten.  Just this last month I was
was working on the tape lace snake at my daughter's play group.  I ended up
with three 4 year olds wanting to help me.  So I took a half hour and
taught them.  One keeps pestering her mom because she wants to learn to
'that braid lace stuff' some more.

If you want to argue that the snake or such isn't lace than you'll have
quite the fight from Idrija style lace makers. To paraphrase a saying,
"Don't judge me because I Lace differently than you".  Is a sweater any
less a work of knitting that a fancy shall?

As to the idea that there are only 2 stitches in bobbin lace; I agree!
Cross/ Twist. That's what I tell people.  Once you learn that you can do
anything.  Yes, I know that there is a bit more to actually creating lace,
HOWEVER, there is no rhyme nor reason to launch into some long spiel that
will most likely make the other person feel they can never learn to make
lace.  As I say with tatting - you make one knot . . . over and over and
over.  That's it. The rest is learning to read the patterns. I feel the
same about bobbin lace; you move the bobbin left or right that's it, the
rest is reading the pattern.

My 2 cents

Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom

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