Content goes with Netting -  Most Ancient Lace, same date
For Netting research and  instruction, there are chapters in books devoted 
to Netting, but  fully-dedicated-to-the-subject books may be hard to find.  
IOLI (U.S. Lace  Guild) has some, listed with their Needle Lace books: 
N-065 Art of Netting from the  Kliots - 112 p. reprint
N-084 Beautiful  Netting, by Rita Bartholomew - 66 p. for her classes
N-057 Harper's Bazar (sic)  Netting Patterns - 26 p. articles/patterns
N-034 Knotting & Netting,  by Lisa Melen - 88 p. hardback
N-082 Make Nets, Here's How, by  H.T. Ludgate - 72 p.
N-066 Priscilla Netting Book -  40 p.
At the Caen OIDFA Congress, a  German book dealer offered "Knotting and 
Netting - The Art of Filet Work -  Designs, Materials, Techniques", originally 
published in Sweden in 1971, and  re-published in the U.S. by Van Nostrand 
Reinhold in 1972.  Library of  Congress # 72-1857 and ISBN # 0-442-29958-3.  
I looked at the Netting  section, illustrated with pictures, before buying.  
It would be worthwhile  to try to borrow from InterLibrary Loan.
Netting Artist Stephanie  Crossman, Vinalhaven, Maine (one of the larger 
islands off the Maine coast) told  me about a newer Netting book written on 
the island, "Nets Through Time - The  Technique and Art of Knotted Netting", 
by Jacqueline Davidson, Maine Authors  Publishing, 2012, 155 p. softcover, 
ISBN 978-1-936447-34-3. (I ordered  direct from Davidson.)  Contents:  
Technique, Tools, Early History,  Nets for Utility, Lace (50 p.), Nets for 
Ceremonies & Celebrations,  Contemporary Fiber Art. 
If you tour New England  historic homes, sometimes you will come across a 
Netted bed canopy (for  Summer use).  They were, of course, a  luxury! 
Jeri Ames in Maine  USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource  Center

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