I love pinterest!  I use it in several ways.
I use it to collect pictures or links on a subject, to collect photos on a
subject, to collect project ideas, to organize gif sets or memes for use on
twitter/FB, and to collect sayings & art work I just think are nice.

When someone "Pins" something it can come from either a web site or from
their own computer.  If the before mentioned angels were pinned from the
Yahoo image search page than it would Not lead to the full web page.  The
pinner just "viewed Image" copied the URL then and "pinned" it.

I do this a lot.

I'm not always interested in the full page loading with all the bloggy text
and sometimes if you do you have to then wade through more recent postings
or articles to find what you want.  Oft times I only want the pic, not
because I'm "stealing" it for some nefarious reason, but I simply only want
the pic as a inspiration, A future share on other sites, or "that's pretty"
to look at again.
While Pinterest is a searchable/followable site everyone I know uses it for
personal reasons.  I like seeing what recipes one friend is collecting or
the latest picture of Tom Hiddleston from another.  It's not really a
"public forum", but more like someone looking over my shoulder while I'm
clipping magazines or scrap-booking.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it bugs you that much start
watermarking all your pics - that's what I do.  And in the end the truth is
if you don't want someone to "pin" it or copy it or reblog it, etc...just
don't put it online.


Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom

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