I really enjoyed reading Elizabeth Kurella's piece about 3-dimensional
Milanese lace - I saw a few examples of it some years ago (I think it might
have been in Como?) and found it fascinating.
Over the years since then, those memories have inspired me to work
3-dimensionally, when appropriate, in some of my own designs. ('Les Fees
Vertes' and 'The Bamboo Grove' are small collections where some of them
feature.) I'm even working a Milanese piece with 3-D at the moment...
When I go to Sweet Briar in June this year, I shall be teaching 3-D in
Milanese to at least one person there, though they don't yet realise it -
however, they do now! (Aaargghhh, panic...It's headless chicken time!)
I shall certainly be looking out for the 3-D examples in the Sweet Briar
College collection! Thank you so much Elizabeth, for mentioning them. How

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