I was demonstrating bobbin lace on Sunday at a craftmaking fair, and a man told me he has read that if one could demonstrate that one was a skilled lacemaker, you would be saved from death in the Holocaust concentration camps, so you could make lace. The older, more proficient lacemakers would teach the younger women how to make lace, and would sometimes make twice their daily quota and give the extra to the younger women in order to save their lives. He said he would send me the source of this information, but since he has not done so, and it is Thursday, I doubt he will. However, I have never heard of this before, yet why would this man, who looked like a scholar, tell me a lie? Does anyone have any information on this bit of historical information?

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA where we've had enough rain for a while. Cloudy, and every once in a while we get a rain shower. Where did the sun go?
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