That email seemed to come through fine.  So this time I am sending it in

Unless other have a different experience, it seems that plain text solves the
problems we are having?

I am really guilty of this, as i write as I speak, and put in brackets my
asides and emphasis.

Like Joepie, I thought it would be solved by setting my default to plain
text. Clearly this is not the case.

I know one member of the list uses different punctuation marks, so without
your kind permission, i thought I would try and see what happens with
different punctuation marks.

This email is written in html (rich txt):

Brackets test.  I (for the want of a better word) I am choosing brackets.

Inverted commas.  Now I want to emphasise "inverted commas" as a

Now lets try the alternatives.

I suspect that an * is acceptable  for us to use as *inverted commas*, I
wonder if I am right?

As an alternative to brackets I suspect that a - will do the job.  Today -
Friday- is a very wet and windy here.

I do recall in the early days of the list it was -and probably still is-
important for us to trim our mail as many did not have good computers and
small download limits.  Plain text I suspect was the only form we could use
then.  I have to say the arguments for this still stand as this is an
international list and not everyone has *or can afford*  generous internet

We all use email differently.. some communicate in one huge paragraph,
others are very formal and some like me are chatterers!  Frankly it does not
matter, as long as we understand what is being written.  I agree the odd
things that get inserted with some standard punctuation marks is annoying
and I would really like to try and discipline myself *to be less annoying*.
I am sure I will fail from time to time... but lets see what this tests


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