What many teachers forget is that people are buying a service from  them and as 
such are their customers

If I was abused in a shop by the person I wasn't young from I would vote with 
my feet and complain to the manager. 

We are often too nice to those who bully or fail to provide the level of 
service expected because we just want together away and not make a scene 

On the flip side, if someone has paid me to learn I will be honest if they are 
wasting their money. I taught one lady who had no talent at all for lacemaking. 
Each session she had lost all the progress that that she had made in the 
session before. In the end, I suggested she stopped paying and had 3 free 
lessons. If she made no progress at end of those we would part company. She 
admitted that she wasn't enjoying it and finally spoke with me about pressures 
at home which were taking up her thoughts. So we took a teaching holiday with 
the promise of a couple offerer sessions when she felt she had time to take it 
up again.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Aug 2014, at 02:31, "L. E. Weiss" <weiss....@mindspring.com> wrote:
> Sallie, I hope you reported the antics of that teacher who cut your bobbins.

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