I had wondered what had happened to The Lace Guild's letters page, and when I asked, I had the response that there hadn't been any letters sent in, and those that were had been passed on to the relevant people for response!

Emails tend to be answered straight away, or forwarded to the relevant "experts" to answer, so it might be an idea if you do chose this method of communication to make it clear that your intention is for it to be published in the magazine concerned. Even the 'silly' questions have their place - not everyone knows the answers and beginners are sometimes afraid to ask (and experienced lacemakers too embarrassed!)

Where book reviews are concerned, do check the magazine's policy. The Lace Guild have a team of reviewers for Lace, and the books reviewed are those which have been acquired for the library, so members know they can borrow them if they don't wish/can't afford to purchase.

Most of the guild libraries welcome copies of new books - budgets for purchase are limited, and it isn't always easy to know when a self published book is available, especially those published in far flung places :-)

In message <AA4458ED184A43899E9E79C99D4454B6@Lacepc>, Elizabeth Ligeti <lizl...@bigpond.com> writes

Even a letter to the Editor with a pat on the back, or a grizzle about
something would be OK!!!!!!  Most Editors these days accept emails, so there
is No Excuse!!!!! :)

Jane Partridge

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