Hello All!   What an outpouring of translations & helpful advice!  Thank you, 
one & all!  Not that I still don't have questions, heh heh.  <G>.  However, now 
that I'm down to the end & fiddling with an invisible finish from Martina's 
book, dear husband has offered to chauffeur me to Guelph ONT to see the lace 
exhibit before it closes.  Nancy let me drool over her laptop pictures in 
Ithaca so now I'm ready for the real deal.  Alas, the pink ribbon must wait for 
my return but I will say that I'm thrilled with it so far.  As Jacquie 
mentioned, the finish will be key so I'm trying not to mess up!  Truly I could 
not have gotten this far without your generous assistance!!  To be continued 
after Guelph...  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA


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