Dear Arachnes,

In the Netherlands nowadays it is very popular to publish every week an edging
for crochet or something smal to embroider. We, a group of bobbin lace-
teachers thought it a good idea to start something similar in lace: Every week
an edging or insertion. It started today with a simple edging in Schneeberg
Lace. We will try to make it interesting for all people, not only simple
edgings but also more complicated ones. Every Wednesday around 15.00 pm a new
edging or insertion will be published on my website
<> or directly to the page
If you like the idea, please join us. There is a special group made on
Facebook to show your results, comments and questions. This group is called
Kantje per week (Dutch for every week an edging or insertion in lace).
So I hope to see many of you there or read your comments on the edgings or the
idea via Arachne.

Happy lacing and have fun make your lace this week.

Gon Homburg, in a grey Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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