I have uploaded about 9 photos to the flickr account. At least I hope so. Thanks to Sue Babbs and her excellent and prompt advice. It took about 2 years of almost daily work to finish, usually at least an hour in the morning. Frequently more, and more time in the afternoon. The side altar is 30" by 73" The central altar is 24" by 42". The lace of the side altar is about 3/4 the size of the lace for the central altar. I purchased the pricking from the svenskaspetsar.se The one motif is very simple, fine for beginners, as long as you are careful, as mistakes will show. The other motif is not difficult, but all four crosses are slightly different, and keeping track of where you are is not really easy. I think I learned a lot about what it was like to make lace for a living. Easier than some other stuff, but eventually deadly dull.

I am pleased with the lace, but take it from me, making the cloth part by hand was no picnic, and takes a skill I do not have. But it looks good anyway. And I'm glad it's over.

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
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