Dear Arachnes,

A (almost) Lenten treat: For those of you in or reasonably close to East
Anglia, Ely Cathedral is hosting a RSN Exhibition during February...

04 Feb 2015 - 28 Feb 2015
Ely Cathedral will be hosting a unique exhibition of Ecclesiastical Embroidery
in partnership with the Royal School of Needlework.
Over 60 displays will include significant pieces of needlework which have been
worked on by the Royal School and which form part of their collection housed
at Hampton Court Palace.
One of the highlights of the exhibition is six of the twelve Litany of Loreto
panels. They were bequeathed to the School by a convent in Sussex and are
rarely on display to the public. Other pieces include depictions of
theological figures and symbols using a wide range of threads and techniques,
plus some rare examples of white work altar cloths, burses, stoles and
This unique exhibition will include artefacts from Ely Cathedral's own
collection including a Mediaeval Cope, an 18th century gold vestment set and
the recently restored white altar frontal.
As part of the event we are delighted to have on display the 11th century
gilded bronze chasuble pin, originally from the tomb of Archbishop Wulfstan at
Ely, and gifted to the Society of Antiquaries of
London<> in 1771.

According to our local paper, it is rare for the RSN to exhibit outside its
home at  Hampton Court.

There will also be a couple of lectures and workshops, more details are on the
Cathedral website, tickets which include the Cathedral entry price are £8.


In currently sunny but windy Cambridge (just SW of Ely), having had hail,
thunder, the works, this afternoon.

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