Thanks for this post Dianne! I don’t know how I have managed to miss the 
website, but now that I’ve taken a look I’ve bookmarked it and I’m hooked. Also 
the Revelry patterns may get another purchase or two :-)

We’ve heard a few times, over the years, of collections that have been 
dismantled because the buildings they were housed in deteriorated and the 
funding was not available to remedy the problems. It is good to hear that this 
extensive collection will still have a home because the funding is there for 

West Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

> As some of you will know I volunteer at Gawthorpe Hall which is in Padiham,
> east Lancashire. ...  Last week we were told that the Hall would close on
> 19th April and would not reopen until 2016.  When the Hall closes everything
> will be packed away.  ...
> That does not mean people will not be able to  see the Textile Collection -
> the office is in a separate building - it just means it will be very
> difficult to get too much out because the store rooms are in the basement of
> the Hall and the site is a hard hat area.  It will mean carrying boxes a
> long way.  The textile staff will be doing outreach work with local people
> and research into Rachel and the Collection will carry on.  It won't be a
> time to relax. ...
> The best site to read what is happening will be the Textile Collection site -
> it is kept up to date regularly. 
> RegardsDianne Derbyshire(in a dull and wet Preston)

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