Many years ago I was lucky enough to have a chair made for me.  It is what I
knew as a nursing chair, fairly low with a very straight back and no arms. 
Since I am fairly short, they adjusted the seat length - front to back - so
that when I sit on it my back is firmly supported and my feet reach the floor.
Ideal for a Honiton lace pillow. I had it covered in 'Imperial Blue Electrum'
velvet. The name says it all, it is opulent! Wwhen I went to collect it I
found that they had had it sitting in the show room for over a week as it was
attracting so much attention. As I said I am very lucky and I luxuriate in it
every time I make lace. Sigh.....

"Regarding Lacemakers chairs  - once some years ago, Helen and I went
demonstrating at an Historic House here in Melbourne, and they seated us by
a window (great light!), and sat us in Victorian "Ladies chairs" - so they
called them. They were  the Best chairs I have had to sit and make lace -
very low, with a circular seat, and the back wrapped about half way around
the seat, so you sat back and the back rest wrapped around you. Being low,
your knees were up, - just right for resting your pillow on!!"

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