Thanks, Janice, for telling us about the Arachne lunch at the 2015 IOLI 
convention.  Yes, It will be on Tuesday, July 28th.  By separately purchasing 
our food at the hotel concession, we can enjoy a meal together at the 
convention hotel at a lower cost than having a formal luncheon.  

Please bring items for the free raffle if you wish.  The more prizes we have, 
the more winners there will be!

I am happy to be taking Louise Colgan's Milanese Lace class morning and 

As a member of the Doris Southard Lace Guild, the local co-host group, I look 
forward to welcoming fellow Arachnes to Coralville, Iowa!

Ruth Lyon
In Dubuque, Iowa where it's sunny and beautiful

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 27, 2015, at 3:08 PM, Janice Blair <> wrote:
> By now, most students will have received their class information.  I got the
> classes I wanted. Binche with Kumiko Nakazaki and Intro to Blonde with Ulrike
> on Thursday.
> As I understand it, there will be a concession stand where you can buy lunches
> and Arachne members will be allowed to eat in part of the ballroom
> together, bringing in your own food and beverage.  The tentative time is
> Tuesday between 11:30 and 1:00.  We could do our usual free raffle drawing if
> you want to bring an item to share.
> Janice Janice Blair
> Murrieta, CA, 60 miles north of San Diego
> -
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