Thank you Devon & Lorelei!  I'm on digest so just now received your excellent 
suggestions & links.  Devon, my lace guild is demonstrating various techniques 
on Sunday at a Victorian home owned by a historical society.  In an effort to 
be relevant to my surroundings, I thought it would be helpful to know what type 
of needle lace would have been worn when the house was new in 1862.  I will 
take modern samples but now I can use my Lace app (& iPad if there is wifi 
available) to illustrate this beautiful technique.  Sorry to say, my grasp of 
lace history is weak so when my usual searches didn't return enough info, I 
asked for help.  Lorelei, all I can say is yowza!  The photos posted on Ning 
are beyond delicious & your analysis of point de gaze stitches & their uses is 
excellent.  Plenty to digest before 1pm on Sunday!  Thanks for reminding me 
that one of my favorite pieces of lace is the point de gaze fan in the Koon 
collection.  BTW--I wanted to thank you for posting your tape!
  lace lesson.  There are loads of individual diagrams for specific points in 
the pattern.  Thorough & oh so helpful!  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA

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