It is 6 a.m. in Sydney where there is a heatwave.   The temperature is
already 24 and we're expecting it to go over 40 later in the day!    I've
just had a cold shower to try and wake myself up after a bad night - trying
to sleep in these conditions tends to make me feel as if I've got a


So now I'd like to try and explain the whole saga to you.


The upgrading problems started when I was teaching a Lace8 workshop in
another State in August - the programmer made me a teaching version of the
programme so that people without Lace8 could save their drawing exercises
and learn how to use the Motif Library, but it did have the upgrade facility
disabled, otherwise it would've been possible for someone to upgrade, thus
gaining access to the full programme without paying for it.   The day after
the end of the workshop, all the functions of the teaching version stop


When Ian made the next two upgrades, he forgot to fully restore the upgrade
facility. So your ability to upgrade will depend on how far through the
various versions you've actually got.


Versions up to should upgrade to Version 52 with no problems at


Version 48 was not available to anyone - it was the training version made
for my class.


Versions 49 and 50 have incomplete upgrading function.   Frankly, the
easiest way to get around this (provided you don't have a disc which
installs Version 51) is to uninstall the programme, reinstall your original
disc and then upgrade.   It is a much easier way of upgrading than the
programmer's fix, which involved downloading something from the internet,
unzipping, Running as Administrator and then upgrading - the whole
explanation made my head spin!  


Version 51 should upgrade to 52 (I did it myself yesterday as a trial before
I let you all know it was OK to upgrade).   However, there are a couple of
people, such as Nancy and Sue who obtained copies of Version 51 direct from
Ian and who are having problems upgrading from Version 51.    I am waiting
for Ian to come home from work to talk to him again (it'll be another
delayed dinner for him again tonight) to find out what is in those copies of
the programme which is stopping them from upgrading.


I will be in touch with those ladies direct once we have some ideas of how
to solve their problems.


If you are still using an earlier version, it is working OK and doing
everything you want it to do, and you never owned Lace RXP,  then my advice
is not to even bother upgrading.  Version 51 solved a problem which occurred
when trying to open some Lace RXP files with Lace8 - so if you don't have
Lace RXP files, you don't gain anything by upgrading anyway.


The number of the version installed on your computer appears on what is
known as the Splash Screen (the display which appears in the middle of the
screen when you open the programme) - if you've turned off the Splash
Screen, you can double-check which version you have by clicking on Help,
then About Lace8.


Please - I don't think it is fair to clog up the list by sending individual
messages about whether you have or have not been able to update to Arachne.
Please write to me personally rather than putting a flood of unnecessary
emails into everyone's inbox and I will ensure that I answer and help you to
get going again.


I'm sorry for the problems this has caused you all.  I realise reinstalling
is a pest, but it is the easiest way of fixing the problem for most people.
Once you get past these difficulties, it should all work OK.


Ruth Budge

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