You haven't mentioned any time period - is the demonstration meant to reflect
what is being done in the regions regarded as having a Celtic past now, or in
historical times? If now, then you could probably make more or less anything
as most modern lacemakers don't worry about only working the lace previously
made in their town or region. If it is historical, then you need to consult
the history books (you might find something like Martine Bruggeman's book
L'Europe de la Dentelle useful, if you can read French) as to what was being
made in the period you are trying to represent. A lot of the laces we know now
(Limmerick,  and Bedfordshire being two that spring to mind) developed from
other lace techniques in the 19th Century. Tatting is reckoned to be 19th,
with its origins in knotting. Needlelace and bobbin lace in general go back
further. Just because there isn't a traditional history of lacemaking in a
town or region doesn't mean that lace wasn't being made there - one member of
my husband's family (a large Bedfordshire lacemaking family) lived and worked
in Oswestry, which is on the Welsh border. We know that lace was used as a
means of earning an income by agricultural workers during the winter, and we
also know that (once the English feudal system was out of the way) the field
workers travelled to find work, so may have taken their lace with them. (I was
always under the impression that our ancesters "stayed put" until I discovered
that my 4xGr Grandfather was a mail coach driver, and he moved from Devises to
In a message dated 3/11/2016 4:30:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Hello all,In 2 months I will be demonstrating
bobbin lace at a Celtic Festival. Mostof the festival involves music and
dance, but the organizers wanted somefiber arts too, so here I go.

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