Devon, it's great to receive your email for the first time in ages!  Your 
messages have been going to my Junk mailbox due to the email wars, and I miss 
reading some of them, as well as Jeri's.  My gmail account is my secondary 
email account, and checking both accounts is no problem,  I find.  

I suggest that some of our aol and yahoo members consider getting  a free gmail 
account for Arachne messages and perhaps other mail lists.

Ruth Lyon
>From Iowa on a rainy pre-spring day

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 15, 2016, at 8:58 AM, Devon Thein <> wrote:
> I have bitten the bullet and started a gmail account. I was hoping not to
> complicate my life with more email accounts, but instead it seems that I
> have complicated other people's lives, so that isn't really fair.
> Brenda writes<< Irish crochet only developed in the mid nineteenth century
> - to loosely
> imitate other laces and to provide a small income to those who had not
> starved
> to death or emigrated because of the potato famine.  It�s a fairly recent
> tradition in just one area of the �Celtic� region, though it may, or may
> not,
> have been introduced to Ireland bu nuns from Spain.>>
> I would suggest that many or most of the folkloric activities at US ethnic
> festivals have their origins in the 19th century. For instance, Irish step
> dancing which is present in abundance in US Celtic festivals is thus
> described in Wikepedia.
> <<Professor Margaret Scanlan, author of *Culture and customs of Ireland*,
> points out that the earliest *feis* or stepdancing competition dates no
> earlier than 1897, and states: "Although the *feis* rhetoric suggests that
> the rules [for international stepdancing competitions] derive from an
> ancient past, set dances are a product of modern times".[2]
> <> There are many
> styles of stepdancing in Ireland (such as the Connemara style stepdancing),
> but the style most familiar is the Munster, or southern, form, which has
> been formalised by An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha (English: The Gaelic
> Dancing Commission), which first met in 1930. The Commission (abbreviated
> as CLRG), was formed from a directorate of the Gaelic League
> <> that was formed during the
> Gaelic
> Revival <> and codified the
> modern rules.>>
> Also, although Sally specifically asked about non-Irish Celtic laces (so my
> suggestion of Irish crochet it off point)  there is not a large immigrant
> population of Spanish Celts or Celts from Brittany in the US turning out at
> heritage festivals. Said Irish potato famine, and the disappointing
> profitability of Irish crochet as a livelihood resulted in a huge number of
> Irish immigrants in the US and their numerous descendants are about to dye
> their beer green and take to the streets in celebration of St. Patrick's
> Day. (My husband's grandmother was almost a third Irish.) Interestingly,
> people from Ireland travel to New York to attend the St. Patrick's Day
> parade because, as I am told, it is a more festive parade than those held
> in Ireland.
> Maire Treanor makes frequent sweeps through the US visiting Crochet groups
> and Irish heritage groups in equal number to teach Irish crochet and my
> understanding is that she is well-received as a transmitter of an important
> cultural heritage. So, I think a demo of Irish crochet would probably be
> well aligned with the spirit of a US Celtic festival. But, again,
> authenticity is not the only criteria for outdoors lace demonstration.
> My suspicion is that Sally was asking about bobbin lace in other Celtic
> regions because she specifically does not want to be crocheting a shamrock
> in the hot sun. It is nice to work with bobbins in field conditions because
> the hand sweating problem which can discolor the lace is not an issue.
> Whatever she decides to do, I hope Sally will send me a picture of her
> demonstration for the IOLI facebook page!
> Devon
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