Thanks for your suggestions for an Arachne get-together at the IOLI convention. 
 I think that having lunch together in the food court would work better.  

Ruth Lyon
In Iowa

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 21, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Janice Blair <> wrote:
> Found out that we might have two options for our get together this year as the
> hotel has a small restaurant and not much room in the lobby, and would charge
> us if we wanted to use a room.  As I understand it, the shopping mall is
> attached to the hotel with an overpass bridge and they have a food court.  We
> could possibly meet at the food court and push some tables together, that way
> people can buy their preferred food items, or even take their own unless there
> is some rule about not doing that.  I have taken food to my local food court
> in the past and no-one has said anything. Monday or Tuesday might be good days
> for that.
> The other possibility is that we try to get seated with each other at the
> Tuesday dinner.  I am hoping to find out if they are having sign up sheets
> for meals like we have had the past few years.  That way we can have some
> Arachne tables and remain for a short time after the meal and before we go to
> the Tat Off.  I will get back to you when I hear further.
> Let me have your feedback on those ideas.
> Janice Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, 
> -
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