I too, along with other lacemakers, have been rather too busy to join this
somewhat ridiculous discussion.  Invited to the IOLI Convention in
Indianapolis, I've been teaching some of the techniques that allow for
ideas to be expressed in bobbin lace in a painterly manner.
Is this Art?  Dear me, could that mean I'll be accused of teaching Art?
Since when have textiles been excluded  from the definition of Art?  By
Most lacemakers that know me and/or my work, know that for me, working with
textiles and other mediums, usually in paint, pastel and pencil, is what I
do as a Fine Artist and as a lacemaker.
(Note: Capital Letters - this makes it altogether more Important)
If I work in silk textiles, does that make me a Fine Artist (2nd class) or
a Lacemaker (1st class)?  Why on earth should anyone want to define what I
do anyway?  Will it mean they like my lace more if I call myself an Artist
or less, if categorised as a 'mere' lacemaker?
Will it help Devon to decide upon the answer to her question if she knows I
spent many years, at the Government's expense, learning how to 'do' Fine
Art (which, by the way, included textiles in the College prospectus)?
So many questions and none of them really worth a discussion.
If textiles simply aren't 'Art'.........then the Victoria and Albert Museum
in London (and others world-wide) might feel they have some explaining to
do. Has the public been hood-winked for years?
There have been numerous efforts to define what Art actually is, for
decades, for centuries even, and should the definitive answer ever be
found, how would that benefit anyone?
For me, I do what I do. I have ideas and choose what I feel is the best and
most suitable medium to use for their creation.  Some may like my finished
pieces, some may not, but I create them nonetheless.  The need to create is
like breathing and I don't plan on stopping either anytime soon!
Perhaps Devon et al would like to ponder on the words of Leonardo da Vinci,
"When the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art'.
I couldn't have put it better myself!
Sandi  (Just about to untangle myself and find my paintbrush............)

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