Dear Spiders,

You guys are supposed be kind to me and what have you done????? You have
stirred my interest so now I have to “find out more”  Grrrr to you all...(
smile)  BUT please keep sending me pictures urls references so that I can
“see” what types of bobbins were used.

I think we have at least one member that has researched “Indian Lace” at
an advanced degree level.

Many of you remember that in the past we quite few “List” investigations
that I tried to pull together and write up.

I think this could be another project because of my total ignorance in this
The picture of one Indian Lace pillow I have been sent shows French / possibly
Sri Lankan bobbins (Doubtful).

*****So I think that if I can, with your help, collect as many authentic
pictures of lace pillows with bobbins on them as reasonable, we may well be
able to do some analysis of the bobbins used.***** Your contributions will be
welcome.  Many (many) thanks.

Also you lovely American Members, please forgive my slack language.  I
frequently shoot my mouth off before I think properly about what I am saying.
I humbly accept your gentle chiding of my slack writing and lack of American
History in my education.

 Sadly my American history comes via John Wayne! Oh, yes, Jean reminds me that
I seem to take a lot of notice of the delightful Victoria in the High
Chaparral series.  [ this is my poor attempt at trying to be funny, so do not
take me too seriously! But she may well be right about Victoria!]


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