As far as I know there was not a translation of the whole book but "Joining
and attaching Lace, an undervalued craft" is a translation of the words only
- it is useless without the diagrams of the original book in Dutch.

I have a spare copy of the word-translation (bought many years ago when I
had mislaid my copy which, of course, turned up soon afterwards). If this is
what you are looking for, e-mail me privately with your address and I will
post it.

Jay in Sydney

------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Hello friends,
B  Does anyone know if there is an English translation for the book :B  "Het
Lassen en Aannaaien Van Kant" by Louise Allis-Vidderleer?B It's a spiral
bound book from the Kantcentrum Brugge June 1993

Thanks so much,Vickie in Va.B 

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