Back in January, Devon Thein posted a request for help crocheting sea urchins 
for an installation in Singapore, which eventually included over 32 miles of 
3mm nylon rope. I made 3 repeats, which doesn't sound like much, but they were 
hard work, not least because the rope they sent us to use was thicker than the 
rope they had used to sample the work, so we had to adapt our numbers of 
stitches (and even some of the types of stitches) to fit exactly to the size of 
the architect's design.  

We have just received a report on it all.  I hope you will enjoy looking at the 

-------- Original Message --------
 Subject: The Urchins
 From: Jin Choi <>
 Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017, 10:35 PM
 To: Sue Babbs <>

Hello Sue,

The Urchins in Singapore have been a great success.  We are very grateful that 
you have been part of the creation of the Urchins. 

We have posted images of the Urchins in Singapore on our website, including 
images from the fabrication and installation, and a brief page about the 
concept of the design.  Please check that you name is correctly listed on the 
Urchins and the fabrication pages, and let us know if there are any omissions 
or corrections needed.  The webpages are here:

The Urchins in Singapore

The Urchins Fabrication

The Urchins Concept

The fabrication of the Urchins had three major parts.  The first one involved 
crocheters like you from around the country (and some international ones)  
making motifs and panels.  As the crocheted works arrived back at our office, 
we started joining the pieces into strips of 5 motifs, then joining the joined 
motifs and strips into the large skins for the there urchins.  We completed 
each skin except for one seam, which we planned to join around the metal frame 
once in Singapore.  Images of some of this work is on the website. I am sorry 
that our communications with you largely stopped once this started, but joining 
the motifs required much more work than we anticipated, and almost every waking 
hour we had was spent on the assembly in Boston with our crew of assistants.

The third fabrication step was planned to take place at the site in Singapore, 
consisting of assembling the metal frame and fastening the crochet skins to the 
frame with a local assembly crew.  This went more or less according to plan 
although the festival organizers were a little late with the riggings and 
supports for us to hang the Urchins, and once hung, they were local engineering 
problems with the height of the hanging, but after many days of sweating in the 
tropical sun and humidity, we managed to hang all three Urchins on the lower 
boardwalk at Marina Bay, just west of the Marina Bay Sands hotel.  We have 
never worked as hard in such uncomfortable heat as we did for the five days of 
installation, but by 2 o’clock in the morning on the day before the opening, 
the urchins were hanging and lit, ready for the opening night.

The Urchins proved to be very successful on opening night with large crowds of 
visitors photographing the Urchins, standing inside of them peering out, and 
appearing to greatly enjoy the art work.  The were so many people visiting and 
touching the Urchins that festival organizers posted 2 guards at the artwork, 
limiting the number of visitors to 20 people at a time, with lines of people 
waiting to get in to see the Urchins.

The festival organizers have requested that we allow the Urchins to travel 
around Southeast Asia to other light festivals.  We do not know if this will 
happen, but we will keep you informed if the project progresses.  It is also 
possible that the Urchins will travel within the US, and we have received some 
requests from museums to show the work.  We hope the Urchins return to the US 
and travels around the country, so that you can see your finished work.

Each person who helped with the Urchins rightly deserve credit for this success 
and we could not have completed this project without your help.  Thank you 

All the best,

Jin Choi +Thomas Shine

Choi + Shine Architects 

358 Tappan Street, Brookline MA 02445

Phone: 617-879-3255

Fax: 617-879-3254

Creators of the Land of Giants™ and the BIT Light™

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