I did a quick web search on “Alex Stillwell fish pattern”, and came up
with this PDF as the first hit… I think it's what you’re thinking of:


Katrina Worley
History: special people in special places at special times
Anthropology: everyone else the rest of the time.
                        K.Worley, 1997

> On Jun 6, 2017, at 11:24 AM, Alison Gray <alliejg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all I remember a conversation a while ago about beginners patterns.
> someone mentioned a website, I think, Alex Stillwell. I bookmarked it but
> when my computer crashed I lost everything and I can't now find it.
> There was a  simple fish pattern. My 5 year old grandson is fascinated by
> my lace stuff and I have promised to let him make something in the summer
> holidays. So if someone could please send me in the right direction I'd be
> very happy.
> Alison in sunny Colchester, Essex, UK
> -
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