I have just started an Early Lace from Rosemary Shepherd’s book. It is an
edge- but I have repeated it, (footside to footside) to make a double si9ded
piece.  It seems to be working OK!!
Gil Dye has another book out now, I think - #5 in the series?  Where can one
get it? – Can one get it directly from her?  I seem to have lost the URL to
her web site – and Mr Google can’t seem to find it!! Grrr!  Yes I know
there is a great write-up by Jeri and it will be in the Archives, but I
don’t seem to be able to fine the Archives at the moment.   More Grrr!!

I love the Early Laces, and now, with this bad eye that surgery made worse I
feel the early laces may be all I can make these days – putting up a pin
Where Necessary, rather than in properly defined pinholes!!
I rather like a pattern I have with “feathers” but that takes specific
pins  in holes, so I have left that till I get more used to not having good 3D

I have happy memories of the class I took with Gil a couple of years ago, and
hope to add to my collection of her books. They are gems – not just for the
lace patterns, but for the History she writes, too.
The History of Lace is a fascinating subject, and to be able to make the lace
from those times is Great.

I recently did a class with rosemary Peel on the Early Tatting – but I am
glad we tat in today’s way, though, not how they did it long ago!!!!

Regards from Liz. in Melbourne Oz.

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