I sit here with it being 106, high humidity and no air conditioning -
hopefully the guy will be here early tomorrow to fix it.  It is hard to
think about the holidays.  But we all know once September hits, it is only
a blink or two and we are wrapping and tagging gifts.  We are down to the
last few days for signing up for the card exchange so do hope you will get
involved.  I would hate for you to miss out on the fun.  This event brings
so much pleasure to the season and to others around the globe.  It is an
unexpected gift and contented smile during the activities.

As a reminder, this year the schedule will go like this:

August 14-

     September 7      Sign Ups

September 10         Exchange partner assignments to be made and
                                  emailed out

December 1            All cards hopefully will be in the mail

I hope you will join in.

Hugs, Lin and the Mali

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