Dear Fellow Gentle Spiders,

I wanted to apologise to you all for being not actively participating in the 
Arachne lists over the past 18 months.  I kept moving the emails into a todo 
folder with the result that I never read them.

This isn't a sympathy email it's an explanation.  About 18 months ago I started 
to become more and more tired resulting back at the end of Jan this year with a 
very severe bout of vertigo that lasted over two months. The vertigo meant I 
was unable to drive, use a computer or actually do anything except sleep 
without feeling sick.

As the vertigo started to clear up I started to sleep more and more until 
around Easter I was sleeping 20 hours a day.  In the end, I ended up at the 
sleep clinic attached to a machine for 24 hours to monitor my sleep - the 
results of which I get back next week.  It is likely that this has been coming 
on for about 2 years now.

This week I returned to work after 7 months off.  Week after next we move house 
to make my work journey easier.

So, I'm putting aside a couple of hours once a week to reading my Arachne 
emails and replying.  We are only as good as the time we out in.

On a brighter note, in our move I've acquired a fantastic room in our new house 
to use for teaching.  There are no teachers in the immediate area so when i out 
an advert about classes I had 7 people interested in trying out lacemaking so 
I'm going to be able to start up classes in my new area.

Mind you, the lace response had been eclipsed by the response to my advert for 
Japanese braiding - 37 responses in two days for those workshops but I'll work 
on them about trying lace.

My love to you all,


Kind regards

Liz Baker
The Lace Bee


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