All this infighting regarding the exchange makes me feel like I'm listening to 
a bunch of high schoolers arguing over who gets to be head cheerleader. There 
is no cheer in it - Christmas or otherwise. In most groups, it's difficult to 
get anyone to volunteer to do anything and now many here are arguing who will 
organize an exchange that is supposed to be about sharing our gifts and skills. 
Does it matter who organizes it that Arachne will splinter and fall apart if 
one person does it versus another person? 

Janet would have discovered Lin was starting to organize it when she came back 
from vacation. It should then have been up to Janet to privately talk to Lin 
about it - maybe even thanking her for getting things started. I suspect Lin 
was thinking sending out the invitation this early would help slow lacers and 
newbies or people with a lot of time constraints around the holidays to get an 
early start and make their plans. If between Janet and Lin, it was decided 
Janet would take over, then again, it should have been left up to them to 
decide and go on from there. It seems to me all this taking sides is ruining 
the whole intent of the exchange. 

In my opinion, all this is very immature and petty and should stop immediately. 
If Janet still wants to do it, she can converse with Lin off list and they can 
work something out. Frankly, I'm exhausted from the whole thing. Avital is 
right, this stuff doesn't belong on the list which is supposed to be about 
making lace, not enemies.

Liz Roberts in cool but cloudy Missouri USA

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