Hi Diane,

I have an octagonal block pillow from Holly Van Sciver that I love (
http://www.vansciverbobbinlace.com/pillow.html), but the square blocks are
only 6 3/4". It's as big a pillow as I'm comfortable with (and I have a
pillow slightly over 24" so I use big ones. This pillow uses a row of
wooden wedges on two of the sides to snug the blocks up against one
another, and it works beautifully.

I think to get bigger blocks you are going to have to make one of blocks
only in one direction so they can be wider without the overall pillow being
too large to use. That, or get a roller pillow with a wide cylinder--Holly
doesn't say the width of the cylinder on the roller pillow on that same
page, but if the pillow is 16 1/2" wide, then it looks like the roller is
at least 8" wide, for example.


Connecticut, USA

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Diane Williams <drswilli...@yahoo.com>

> Does anyone have a recommendation for a good block pillow? ...
> ... It would need to have blocks that are at least 7" and preferably 9"
> wide.

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