Lorelei says that “ As for lace being white and having holes in it - my
personal definition has
to do with transparency or partial transparency and white just doesn't
matter.  (Although white or a solid color focuses the attention on the
transparency aspect.)”
I have been fortunate to convince Ros Hills to loan to the exhibit two works.
One is  I am woman, which can be seen on p. 120 of the book  Merehurst
Embroidery Skills Needlelace, by Pat Earnshaw. Also she is lending Purse 2,
which was made at the same time and resembles the purse that was bought by the
Victoria and Albert Museum as an example of contemporary needle lace. The
pieces are a riot of color and for those who like gros point, you can really
see wild and over the top use of the built up embellishments that characterize
that lace. But, the pieces are actually quite dense. They are not very
transparent at all, and those people who will see them will be asking, not
without justification, “where is the lace?”
This is one of the contradictions that I am dealing with. The pieces are a
cloth made of buttonhole stitches, with no underlying fabric. Is that lace? If
not, what is it?

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