Catherine Barley Needlelace

----Original message----
>From :
Subject : Re: [lace] Instagram versus Facebook

OK Devon, you have uncovered me. I confess that I am purplenana6.
I started using Instagram a couple of years ago because that was the 
platform my children were using. 

Dawn Howell

Oh dear, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Llinkedin, passwords, pin numbers, 
vehicle registration numbers when paying to park my car,mobile phones, learning 
to use Windows 10 and now even talk of driverless cars - it's all just too much 
for my ageing brain now that I'm a senior citizen and have grandchildren!  
Modern technology is wonderful but advancing far too fast for those of us who 
are no longer in the workplace and needing little use for it all.  I'm a very 
organised creature of habit and even my local supermarket sends me an email the 
evening before I do my weekly shop, to tell me the discounts that are available 
on such items as deodorants, hairspray, dishwasher tablets etc that I might 
have bought only the week before and certainly don't need to replace just one 
week later!  'Big Brother' is watching me and nothing is private any more!

When I was a child we grew up without central heating, television, washing 
machines, credit cars, land line telephones and certainly not mobile phones, 
petrol was rationed so hardly anyone owned a car, we never locked the back door 
as no one had anything worth stealing! We had an air raid shelter in the 
garden, washed our milk bottles and put them back outside for the milkman to 
collect, would take empty lemonade bottles back to the Off License to get 6d (2 
1/2p in todays money), we recycled them in those days, so nothing new there!  
Life was simple but we were happy!

Catherine Barley

Catherine Barley Needlelace


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