Dear Devon,

Yes, the Japanese definitely have a love of all things lace! I recall going
to an exhibition of antique lace in Shibuya, Tokyo back in 2010 or 2011 I
believe? Unfortunately I just stumbled upon it so I have no idea where this
was. This was around when I started looking for a lace teacher, so perhaps
this exhibition was the source of my interest!

When I was in Tokyo last summer walking around Ura-Harajuku (a very
fashion-forward district where many of the wildest Japanese fashions
emerged, my husband pointed out a sign that said "Lace Shop." I think I
disappeared so fast to check it out I was just a blur. I ended up chatting
with the lovely owners for a bit, and it turns out they offer classes but
only in Princess lace. They offered a selection of antique for sale,
although I'm not sure where they source it from.

I bought their book "Sekai no Kawaii Le-su" which they translate to "Lace
design of the World" but more accurately translates to "Cute lace of the
world." ;) It is a short overview of lace all over Europe and beyond,
including techniques from as far as Paraguay, Turkey, and Sri Lanka. In the
back, it includes a list of lace shops in Japan, some of which appear to be
run by Westerners. Here are the best few:

I hope that helps!

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