To ask what is the most difficult lace is like asking what is the most 
difficult school subject. It is subjective (sorry!) and dependent on many 
factors, only some of which are related to the innate abilities of the 

It is important to remember that lacemakers didn’t dart about the world’s 
offerings or even tackle multiple patterns. They learnt young and made their 
lace as they were taught. Nobody told them their type of lace was easy or 
difficult just how to make it. This was true for Honiton, Beds, Bucks Point and 
presumably all the European types as well. If they developed a true talent then 
they may have worked on more complex patterns. Their focus though was to be 
able to sell their products to help their families. 

This is a long-winded way of saying that, IMHO, there is no definitive answer 
to the question of which is the most difficult type of lace. In the same way 
there is no one favourite type. 

My C$0.02 worth. 

Helen on the west coast of mainland Canada. 

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