Every once in a while a concern is raised about the “Arizona” site and how
to be sure that it will remain available to us all.  I have just written to
John Cropper, who has managed the site ever since Ralph Griswold died, and
here is his response:
“The Computer Science department has not indicated any desire to remove the
archive and users of the archive can always contact me via the email address
posted on the website  (weav...@cs.arizona.edu).”
If anyone wants to add to the collection the only requirement is an email from
the author granting permission.  Here, again, is John’s reply to that:
“As far as the website - if an author wishes to submit a PDF of their book
for inclusion and sends me an email with their permission notice then I am
happy to include the manuscript and from now on will put a link to a copy of
their email as part of the listing so that anyone can click on the link and
see the "permission slip" associated with the document.”
I hope that this clears up a few questions and that anyone who might like to
have a book or other material posted on the Arizona site will feel free to add
to the amazing collection already there. I will be glad to forward any
questions or comments to John Cropper. He is very helpful and prompt to

Tess Parrish (in Maine, USA, where a lovely Maine summer is in full swing)

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