Just to clear the air, we’re all in this together & need each other to move 
ahead with lace. I don’t think this is criticism so much as it is an 
acknowledgment that stuff happens when writing, proofreading & publishing lace 
texts! As a beginner, I would never question the teacher—in this case, the 
book—because he/she is the expert. Unfortunately, over the past year, I have 
found several “anomalies” while working various patterns. That’s a lot of angst 
for a beginner! Personally, I am more sad than mad because I am certain the 
lace author has sweat bullets to make the information available & he/she is 
likely mortified that gremlins crept into the book. I just wish that there was 
a “Central Repository of Errata” online. It would be a blessing to us all. In 
the meantime, I must develop a more discerning eye (not critical eye!) when 
setting up a new pattern. And thank you again, fellow Arachneans, for helping 
me move ahead. Sincerely, Susan Hottle USA 

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