Hi All,

I have a cone of thread that still has the original plastic cover and
labels on it (including the 9052), and it is the exact same as Lorri's
except it is 70/2.  The FFR red label does say Fil de Lin Dentelles, so I
think Lorri's thread is linen.  From several cones I have, at one point it
seems the colour of the plastic cone indicated the thread size, green for
90/2, red/orange for 80/2, grey for 70/2, etc., while newer cones seemed to
have changed to all sizes having blue cones.

Cindy Rusak, Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:46 AM, N.A. Neff <nancy.a.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry to be a stickler, but it is actually not conclusive that what
> Lorri has is linen on the basis of Jane's evidence. Jane's second cone,
> which is labeled linen, has a different stock number (9051 instead of
> 9052). We still don't have a 9052 with an outer label on it. Neither of the
> two cones in the picture, that are definitely labeled linen, match either
> cone color of the 9052's. And Jane's 9052 is size 140/2, which is very fine
> for a linen--not impossible of course, but less likely.
> -
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