I am getting very excited about the Lace, not Lace opening. Yesterday
I spent all day at the museum while Lieve Jerger and her friend, and
wire lace practitioner, Laura Lewis assembled the Carriage of Lost
Love, the life size carriage in copper wire bobbin lace that Lieve has
been working on since 1977. It is so beautiful in person! We are
playing around with the lighting now, and the range of effects are
fascinating, from directly lighting it, in which it glitters like
gold, to lighting it from within, which causes the lace to be
projected on the wall.
If you are coming to the opening, perhaps you could let me know. I
have additional information about the schedule, parking and hotels
that I can send. (Contact me off list.) Also, some people who are
staying overnight have asked if there is somewhere they can congregate
after the Urchin lighting. I think the best place is the Holiday Inn.
Its restaurant is open until 10, and it has a bar. I am also trying to
keep a list of those people who think they might want to go back to
the Holiday Inn. They typically only have one waiter on Sunday night,
so they might want to put on an additional waiter if they think there
will be a larger than usual crowd.

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