Earlier I posed a question about a piece of lace in the museum that I
am having trouble categorizing. The museum has it pegged as Flemish.
I posted the photo on the Laceioli.ning site
This should be viewable by everyone.
Oddly enough, Lorelei had a piece very similar to it which she posted.
The most distinctive thing about these two pieces is that they both
have a honeycomb background mesh. Today I had a brainstorm and I
actually looked through entries for all the bobbin lace in the museum
from 1800-1900. I found only a very few with a honeycomb background
and all but one of them was donated by the Society for Women's Work in
Stockholm in 1908 and were considered to be Swedish. The only other
one was from Northhamptonshire. I have posted photos of  these on the
Laceioli.ning site at the above location.
I think it is very odd to have a relatively simple lace with a
honeycomb background mesh. The more I think about it the odder it
seems. Any thoughts about this? Does anyone else know of laces with a
honeycomb background mesh? How about the Swedish connection? Does that
ring a bell?

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