November 3, 2018, 7:28 AM
Yes, the e-version is now available online. Unfortunately 5 pages don't
load fully. I've sent an e-mail to the Lace Guild asking if it can be
fixed. I'm assuming this is a problem at their end, not mine, but I'm not
really tech-savvy enough to know. Perhaps someone else who gets the
e-version could take a look at pp. 28-33 and tell me if the bottom of the
pages is missing for them too?
Jane in Berlin , where November is so far wonderfully sunny and mild

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, J Reardon <> wrote:

> The Autumn 2018 Lace magazine arrived in today’s mail here in Western
> Pennsylvania. I’ve only glanced through it so far, but it is as visually
> appealing as ever. Remembrance poppies are prominently featured. It also
> includes reviews of this years summer school, information about next years,
> and a write up by a student of Gil Dye’s class at Hardwick Hall. Also an
> article: copy cat lace part 3. And revisits the holly leaf patterns from
> last years issue, cleverly making the leaves into an angel.
> Jean Reardon
> Western Pennsylvania
> -
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