There is a show at the Textile Museum in St. Gallen, Switzerland
called Lace and Status, with 160
textiles. I have been wanting to go to St. Gallen for a while, and was
very disappointed that I had to miss their exhibit and symposium on
lace a few years ago. One problem is that the exhibit is only up until
Feb. 10 and my show Lace, not Lace is not coming down until Jan. 7. I
like to be here during the show in case someone wants a curator tour.
Now we have become aware that there is a once in a lifetime show of
Breughals in Vienna that ends Jan. 13. My husband really wants to see
this show.
So we are contemplating the crazy idea of going to Europe to see these
two shows in January, a time when I typically huddle at home swathed
in sweaters and blankets. Fellow class attenders will attest that I am
always cold.
Has anybody seen this show in St. Gallen? Is it good? I am very
interested in the collection of the Ikles, because many pieces that
they owned ended up in New York, and they tend to be very intriguing
pieces. I would like to understand the entire thing about the Ikle
collection and the Ikle machine lace industry better. Is there
anything else in St. Gallen that would illuminate the Ikles, the
collecting of handmade lace and the machine lace industry? For
instance, I see that you can stay in a hotel that was once a lace
factory, but I don't know if that would be illuminating or not. Also,
I see that St. Gallen is near Appenzell. Is there anything that I
should be seeing relating to that embroidery industry while I am in
the vicinity? Insights from textile enthusiasts would be appreciated.
Then, there is Vienna. When I was in the MAK some time ago, they had
an entire room of lace which was fascinating, but no photos allowed.
Is it still there? Then in the basement there was a display of lace
which I think was related to the Wiener Werkstatte or the Zentral lace
course. Is it still there? How would one know what else is there, and
is one ever allowed to have appointments to see things in the
collection that are not on display? Again, if anyone has insights
about how to enjoy Vienna when one is peculiarly focused on lace, and
to some extent, other textiles,  I would like to hear them.
Many thanks.

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