Another sample finished & posted--yay! The Luton Treasury is a terrific way to 
experience this collection. And there are three more volumes--thank you Sally 
Barry! All are in the IOLI library, along with the Luton Museum book (photos of 
the collection), so I look forward to working more samples from each. Many 
thanks to Jocelyn who referred me to Underwood for help with my square tallies. 
They are somewhat improved, although tension-ing them in a sea of pins remains 
a challenge. In spite of my grooming efforts, errant loops appeared the moment 
the pins were removed. Ugh. Lyn Bailey has also promised to show me her Binche 
method of making them, by which time I shall be well & truly tallied. Between 
squares & leaves, I need to make hundreds--thousands?!--more to become 
proficient. After a bit more research, I now see there are ladder tallies & 
gate tallies--who knew? The gate style worked well for this pattern. Because 
the weaver finishes on the opposite side, it results in an!
  odd number of passes, therefore a slightly deeper tally. They are very 
pretty, sort of like an old fashioned hat veil with scattered dots. Sincerely, 
Susan Hottle FL, USA       

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