*On 4-12-2020, Arachne celebrates 25 years of being. A discussion was had about doing a bobbin but not sure as I have not heard anything for a bit. Because of the holidays, I thought I would offer sign ups early or it will be a tight schedule to participate afterwards. Anyway, this will be an "interchange" versus the usual "exchange". So, you sign up, I will draw from a hat to pair up with one other person. Member A will send to member B but member B will send to member C and someone else will send to member A. Member S may send to member A. Only one member to share with at this time. Since we have non-lacing members, I am going to offer that you can send some lace related item, i.e., spool of thread, silver lacer spoon, a tool, scissors/clippers, bobbin(s), tatting shuttle(s), pin cushion(s), box of pins, needle case, packet of tapestry needles, tatting needles, thimbles, a crochet hook, Lazy Susan, pricker, picker, etc. You get the idea. The item is not limited only to some handmade lace but handmade lace is most welcome as well. Mailing will be by April 1st, 2020. This should give us plenty of time to sign up and then forget about it until after the holidays when you will still have almost 3 months to make or purchase something to send out. I will send out a reminder about the middle of January. Not sure anything has to be wrapped but can be should the sender wish to do so. I don't want to limit but I also don't want to demand. Giving some ideas always **gets the juices flowing. Any thoughts would be appreciated. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime event for most of us to participate, be involved in Arachne in a unique way, share and care. *
*If you wish to share a photo of your gift to your recipient, I will gather chronologically those photos and create a PDF document for participants and post those photos to Flickr (thanks Sue Babbs). This is optional and I will not be following up to see if you sent me a photo. Please tell me who you sent the item in the photograph to so I don't have to dig for that info. Thanks. If you received something precious to you and you wish to be sure it was acknowledged, I will include it and try not to have duplicates. If you cannot provide a photo but wish to have it displayed, just ask your partner to send it in. No guarantees.* *I am trying to make this as open and an opportunity for as many members who wish to honor this event as possible. If I have neglected to address something you believe to be worthy to improve this interchange, please just email me privately at **linhud...@gmail.com <linhud...@gmail.com>**. The schedule will go as follows:* *November 7 Sign Ups begin until November 24* *November 29 Interchange partner assignments made and emailed out* *April 1, 2020 All shared pieces should be in the mail, please* *If you have any questions, please contact me directly at **linhud...@gmail.com <linhud...@gmail.com>**. I do hope you will take this opportunity to honor the Arachne Group and all the wonderful learning we have shared over these 25 years no matter if only in the last few month(s). The founders are inspirational and have gifted so much to all of us. Everyone has their favorite lace technique and are very knowledgeable and have shared tricks and tips over the years. Some of us explore many lace techniques but have benefited and even been inspired to test out new techniques for the narratives about a lace. * *The lace digest and the opportunities to have lace mails sent daily or once gathered and the lace chat has been inspirational and is taken for granted. Thank you, Avital, for keeping us on track and making sure we are all informed. Your attentiveness is awesome and mostly taken for granted but most appreciated even when you remind us of our errors. We are a group blessed for 25 years of caring and sharing. You have been there for how many years I do not know and perhaps you will share that will us one day. You have been our silent tech support. It is a time for us to acknowledge and show appreciation for your efforts. Will you participate and let us gift you some token, please?* *We also need to thank Sue Babbs for stepping up and keeping Flickr active. Jeri Ames has been a font of knowledge in her research and sharing - thank you.* *We owe much to those who started out with Arachne in the early years and continue to support it today. The archives are precious and we have utilization of them at will. Jeri is most attentive to making sure this has a workable search engine. I do not know of another source for this awesome craft that is more knowledgeable and gifted to share. We have to thank those who have gifted us newer to the craft for their knowledge and sharing. This group is not about photographs but is about knowledge and gifting that to new lacers so the craft continues into the future. We may not be mainstream but we are solid.* *Please send your snail mail address, email address to **linhud...@gmail.com <linhud...@gmail.com>** to sign up for this once-in-a-life-time opportunity. Thank you for participating. Happy Holidays.* Hugs, Lin and the Mali [image: http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/goodmorning15.gif] [image: ðŸ¤â] The most effective way to do it, is to do it. -Amelia Earhart - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacemaker/sets/