The reports from the Five Points archaeological excavations are online… In
going through the artifact inventory of the “Courthouse Block”, page 82
lists “lace bobbin fragments” and “lace bobbin all parts present” both
from the household analytical stratum, and described as
“biological/organic” and “bone/faunal”. The artifact catalog/object
numbers are 00985 and 00921.

The full list of reports are found at:
The artifact inventory I was scanning was this one:
<>  (again, the listing
for the bobbins are on page 82 of the report)
This report:
<>  is an overview of
the interpretation of the site, and chapters 3 and 4 give an overview of the
textile finds.  On page 304 is a mention of the lace bobbin from feature AG,
and the suggestion that it represents “sewing activities not related to wage
earning” because of the other artifacts found in association with them.
Apparently the structure was a brothel that catered to middle and upper class
clientele and the interpretation is that the domestic activities of needlework
would create an appearance of gentility.

Given the huge library of reports, it would take some serious time to go
through them and find out anything more. However, with what I was able to
find, it does appear that two bobbins were found in the excavation and that
they were part of a needlework kit owned by a probable prostitute.

History: special people in special places at special times
Anthropology: everyone else the rest of the time.

> On Jul 5, 2020, at 9:44 PM, Brian Lemin <> wrote:
> BTW American readers, they have also uncovered bobbin stuff at "Five
> Points" excavation.  Anyone know about their findings?

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