Sue, I wrote to Kirsten very early on, when I first heard about the Lace
Dress, as I wanted to know if she would accept tatting, or not.
(Yes, she will if it is $40 thread or finer!)
It was quite a while before I got a reply, - so maybe wait a bit longer to
hear from her.

I hope it is going ahead – I have made 5 of the small pieces – 5cm sized
bits are very small!!  I think it is a wonderful idea, though,. That
Embroidered Red Dress is magnificent, and if the Lace Dress is to be preserved
in a museum, it will be there to “flaunt” lace to everyone who views it!!!
(I just would not want to be the person who sews the lace onto the
fabric!!!!!!!!!! )

Regards from Liz. L.
In Cold, wet, wintery Melbourne, Oz.

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