R.J. Baars <r.j.ba...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> A different question: what about dates like '08-07-2014'or '2014/08/07'
> One cannot tell which is month and which is day, isn't it? Are both
> options considered then? And what of notations '04/05/06'; it is
> completely unclear which is month, year and day.
> (All cases actually are in source texts ...)
> Ruud

Hi Ruud

In French, I detect at least wrong dates such as:

* Jeudi 29 août 2014: it's not Jeudi (=Thursday) but Vendredi (=Friday)
* Jeudi 29/08/2014 or Jeudi 28/8/2014
* Jeudi 2014/08/29 or Jeudi 2014/8/28

The 3rd one (yyyy/mm/dd) is uncommon in French, but it's
not ambiguous so I handle it.

The French date checker currently ignores dates such as:
* 08/28/2014:  American date mm/dd/yyyy, which are not used
  in French anyway. Almost nobody would understand such a
  formatted date in French as I suspect in most other
  languages other than American English.
* 08/28/14: 2 digits for year is deemed too ambiguous. I
  Is it year 2014 or 1914 or even something else?
  I could put a heuristic such as year 1x or 1x is more like 201x
  and year 9x is more likely 199x.  But I'd rather avoid false
  positives caused by such guesses.
* abbreviated days or months. They are uncommon
  in French unlike in English dates. But I may change my
  mind about them.


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