Hi Daniel,

To market LT successfully, you first need to know what is special about LT.
What problems does LT solve that other software does not solve? Why is LT
better? Who is LT for? What are the limits of LT that prevent people from
using it?

Some competing software:
 * Spelling Checker in Microsoft Word
 * StyleWriter (www.editorsoftware.com)
 * PerfectIt (www.intelligentediting.com)
 * Ginger (www.gingersoftware.com)
 * Congree, language check and terminology components
 * Acrolinx (www.acrolinx.com/software/platform/)

I started to use LT because I could customize the rules. Other software lets
users customize the rules, but not to the same extent as LT. Also, some of
the software is very expensive.

Some ideas for how to make LT better known:
 * Put case studies on the LT website. (Company X had a problem. LT solved
the problem. This is how...)
 * Put a 'comments from users' page on the LT website.
 * Get reviews in trade journals and on websites for technical
communicators, editors, and plain English professionals.

Next month, I will mention LT in my TCUK presentation


Mike Unwalla
Contact: www.techscribe.co.uk/techw/contact.htm 

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Naber [mailto:daniel.na...@languagetool.org] 
Sent: 09 September 2015 22:55
To: LanguageTool Developer List
Subject: marketing LT in US/UK


the attached image shows where languagetool.org visitors are coming 
from: the darker the blue, the more visitors. As you can see, relatively 
few users are from US/UK, even though English is one of the languages 
that we support for a long time and whose support should be quite good.

Please post your ideas on how we could make LT better known in English 
speaking countries, any idea is welcome.


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