Hello, Мarco!
I am improved this rule:

   <!-- OU SEJA ou seja, -->
    <rule id="OU_SEJA" name="ou seja">
          <token negate="yes">,</token>
      <message>Usar vírgula: <suggestion>\1 \2,</suggestion></message>
      <example correction="ou seja,"><marker>ou seja</marker> blablah</example>

And I tested it to local LanguageTool. And it worked well.
The old variant of this rule I make on community.languagetool.org, and  it is 
not warning me about mistake.

>Среда, 24 февраля 2016, 13:00 UTC от "Marco A.G.Pinto" <>:
>Hello Yakov,
>This is what I managed to do, but it gives errors in TESTRULES PT:
>    <!-- OU SEJA ou seja, -->
>    <rule id="OU_SEJA" name="ou seja">
>      <pattern>
>        <token>ou</token>
>        <token>seja</token>
>        <token negate="yes">,</token>
>      </pattern>
>      <message>Usar vírgula: <suggestion>\1
>      <example correction="ou
          seja,"><marker>ou seja</marker></example>
>    </rule>
>What am I doing wrong?
>I have made several attempts.
>Kind regards,
>     >Marco A.G.Pinto
>       ------------------------
>On 24/02/2016 11:51, Yakov Reztsov wrote:
>>Hello ,  Marco!
>>You can make rule like this:
>><rule id="OU_SEJA" name="ou seja">
>> <pattern>
>>     <token>ou</token>
>>     <token>seja</token>
>>     <token negate="yes">,</token>
>> </pattern>
>> <message>Error: <suggestion>\1
>> <short>Error</short>
>> <example correction='ou seja, blah'>ou seja
>>>Среда, 24 февраля 2016, 9:55 UTC от "Marco
>>>How do I make LanguageTool suggest commas in rules?
>>>I was just working on my thesis and when I wrote:
>>>"ou seja blah blah"
>>>Microsoft Word 2016 suggested:
>>>"ou seja," (with a comma).
>>>Kind regards,
>>>       >Marco A.G.Pinto
>>>         -----------------------
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