> You can view it as system where all of these hold:
> 1. each class first uses all of its (absolute) "rate"
> 2. if there is no such class then each class can use part
>    of parents rate if ceil allows for it and
> 3. the "parts" of the same parent are balanced according
>    to relative values of children rates
> Now, Gavin's conf:  C1[r,c=2000]-->C2[r=256,c=512] is simple
> to explain:
> According to rule 1. C2 will always use at least 256k (even
> if C1's rate were accidentaly 0). If it already uses 256k
> and there is still demand for more then 2. allows you to
> use up to 512k. There is no competiting child of C1 so
> C2 will get 512k forever.
> Clear ?
Very clear :)




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